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Terms & Conditions


Welcome to the Watchfid website at (the “Website”).

The Website is operated by Watchfid Srl (“we”, “us”, “our”). Our registered office is Via San Pietro all’Orto 22 – 20121 Milano (Italy) and our registered company number is 2581759. Our VAT registration number is IT11135380969. Access to and use of our Website is subject to the terms and conditions set out on this page (“Website T&Cs“”), as well as our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. By accessing our Website you agree to our Website T&Cs. If you have any questions about them, please contact us.

If you purchase a watch via our Website, our Watches T&Cs apply.

If you purchase any other product from us or via our Website, the Sales T&Cs apply.

Article 1. Terms of use

1.1. Please ensure that you have read and understood our Website T&Cs, our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.

1.2. From time to time, we may vary our Website T&Cs. The revised Website T&Cs will be available on our Website. Please check back regularly to ensure you are aware of any variations we may make. If you continue to use our Website after we make any changes, you will be deemed to have accepted any variations to our Website T&Cs. If you do not agree to such variations, we ask you not to use our Website.

Article 2. Accuracy and availability of our Website

2.1. We do our best to make sure that our Website is accurate, up-to-date and free from bugs, but we cannot promise that it will be and you are responsible for putting in place your own internet security and safety measures.

2.2. Our Website is provided free of charge and has not been developed to meet your specific requirements. We cannot promise that it will be fit or suitable for your specific purposes.

2.3. Materials posted on our Website are provided for general information purposes only and to inform you about us and our news, features, products and services. This information is not intended as any form of advice and should not be relied on as such. Any reliance that you may place on the information on this Website is at your own risk.

2.4. Access to our Website is permitted on a temporary basis and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate access to any part of it at any time without notice.

2.5. We update our Website regularly and reserve the right to add, remove and otherwise change the Website and/or its content at any time without notice.

Article 3. Access to our Website

3.1. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary to access our Website (and for any costs of doing so). In particular, you are responsible for ensuring that your computer and/or portable device is compatible with our Website.

3.2. You are responsible for ensuring that all persons accessing the Website through your internet connection are aware of these Website T&Cs.

3.3. Our Website is intended for use only by those who can access it from within Italy. If you choose to access our Website from locations outside Italy, you are responsible for compliance with local laws.

3.4. We want you and others to enjoy using our Website. When doing so, we ask that you observe the following rules:

(a) you are not permitted to use, or cause others to use, any automated system or software to extract content or data from our Website for commercial purposes except where you or any applicable third party has entered into a written agreement with us that permits such activity;

(b) you agree not to use our Website for any illegal or unauthorised purpose and you agree to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to your use of our Website, including copyright and other intellectual property laws;

(c) you must not attempt to restrict another user of our Website from using or enjoying our Website and you must not encourage others to breach our Website T&Cs;

(d) you must not interfere with our Website or any servers or networks connected to our Website, including by transmitting any worms, viruses, malware, spyware or any other code of a destructive, malicious or disruptive nature. You must not inject content or code or otherwise alter or interfere with the way any page of our Website is rendered or displayed in a user’s browser or device;

(e) you must not change, modify or alter our Website or change, modify or alter another website so as to inaccurately imply an association with our Website or with us;

(f) you must not access our Website via a means we have not authorised in writing in advance, including automated devices, scripts, bots, spiders, crawlers or scrapers (except for standard search engine technologies).

3.5. If you breach any of our Website T&Cs, or any of the other terms and policies referred to in our Website T&Cs, your ability to access and use our Website may be terminated by us immediately, where possible by giving written notice to you using the contact details you provide to us.

Article 4. Accessing your account

4.1. If you register for an account on our Website, you may be required to select a user name and password and provide other personal information. Your account details are personal to you and you must keep such information confidential and not disclose them to any other person. We will be entitled to treat any action carried out through your account as being carried out by you. You must notify us immediately if you have reason to believe that your account details may have been compromised or used by any other person. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to your account for any reason in our discretion.

Article 5. Your privacy & cookies

5.1. Any personal information that you provide to us will be dealt with in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which explains what personal information we collect from you, how and why we collect, store, use and share such information, your rights in relation to your personal information and how to contact us and supervisory authorities if you have a query or complaint about the use of your personal information.

5.2. Our Website also uses cookies and similar technologies. Some of these are necessary for the operation of our Website, some provide specific features and functionality and others are used to collect information to help us analyse how our Website is used. Please see our Cookie Policy for more details of how we use cookies and similar technologies.

Article 6. Our intellectual property rights

6.1. Our Website and its contents are protected by certain rights, including registered and unregistered intellectual property rights (“Rights”). These Rights belong either to us or to our licensors. We and our licensors expressly reserve all Rights in and to our Website and its contents. In particular, we reserve all Rights in the name “Watchfid” the “” domain name and all related domain names, trade marks, logos, brand names and/or trading names appearing on our Website. Nothing in these Website T&Cs grants you any legal rights in our Website or its contents other than as necessary to enable you to access and use our Website in accordance with these Website T&Cs. The use of any trade marks on our Website is strictly prohibited unless you have our prior written permission.

6.2. You may only view, print out, use, quote from and cite our Website and its contents for your own personal, non-commercial use on the condition that you give appropriate acknowledgment to us where appropriate and you do not remove our copyright or other proprietary notices.

Artcile 7. Our liability to you

7.1. Consumers have certain legal rights when using our Website. These are also known as “statutory rights” as they are derived from laws such as the Italian d.lgs 70/2003. Nothing in these Website T&Cs affects these rights.

7.2. We will not be liable for any loss that is not caused by us or that was caused by any event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control.

7.3. Except as stated in clause 9.1: (a) we shall not be liable for any loss of profits or revenue, loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data or loss of goodwill; and (b) our maximum liability to you in respect of your use of our Website or any matter arising under or in connection with these Website T&Cs shall not exceed €50.

7.4. Nothing in these Website T&Cs affects our liability to you in respect of products that you sell via our Website or purchase from us. Our liability to you in respect of your purchase of products and/or watches via our Website will be as set out in our Sales T&Cs and/or Watches T&Cs, as applicable.

Article 8. Your liability to us

8.1. Any use by you of the Website or its contents in a manner not expressly permitted by our Website T&Cs may mean that you are infringing our Rights and/or the Rights of our licensors. We and our licensors reserve all rights and remedies available in respect of any such infringement.

Article 9. Linking to our Website

9.1. You may link to any page of our Website, provided that you do so for non-commercial purposes and in a way that is fair and legal and which does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. For the avoidance of doubt, the linking site must not contain any adult or illegal material or any material that is offensive, harassing or otherwise objectionable. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission at any time and without notice.

9.2. You must not link to our Website in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists and you must not remove, obscure or modify in any way any advertisements, copyright notice, or other information on our Website. Our Website must not be framed on any other website.

Article 10. Third party websites & services

10.1. Our Website may contain links to third party websites and services. If you decide to visit any third party website or use a third party service, or purchase products from that third party, you do so at your own risk. It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the reputation of such third parties and the services they offer. We are not responsible for the content, accuracy or opinions expressed on third party websites or services. Links that we make available do not imply that we are, or our Website is, affiliated to or associated with such websites or services.

10.2. Your browsing and interaction on any other website or your use of other services, including websites and services which have a link to or from our Website, is subject to that operator’s own rules and policies. In particular, third party websites will process your personal information in accordance with their own privacy notices. Please read all applicable third party policies and terms and conditions before proceeding.

Article 11. General provisions & applicable law

11.1. You may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any rights under our Website T&Cs.

1!.2. If any provision of our Website T&Cs is found to be invalid for any reason, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the remaining provisions of our Website T&Cs, which will remain in full force and effect.

11.3. If we fail to exercise any right or remedy under our Website T&Cs, our failure does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy. Any waiver must be in writing and signed by us.

11.4. The laws of Italy will apply to our Website T&Cs and your use of our Website. The courts of Italy will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim relating to our Website or our Website T&Cs.

Article 12. Enquiries & complaints

12.1. If you have an enquiry or complaint about our Website, please contact our customer services team using our online Enquiry Form. We will try to answer your enquiry or resolve any complaint as soon as possible.

12.2. If you have an enquiry or complaint about any purchase you have made via our Website, please refer to our Sales T&Cs and/or Watches T&Cs, as applicable, for details of how we can help.


The general Terms and Conditions of Sales detailed below (“Sales T&Cs“) govern the contractual relationship between the “User” (hereafter also referred to as “You”) and “Watchfid” (hereafter also referred to as “We”), a trade name belonging to the company Watchfid Srl governed by Italian law, Italian Chamber of Commerce company number 2581759, VAT number IT11135380969, and located in Via San Pietro all’Orto 22 – 20121 Milano (Italy).

Article 1. Scope

1.1. These Sales T&Cs apply to all offers, orders and agreements done by Watchfid. No agreement can be created without your agreement of these Sales T&Cs.

1.2. If you want to subscribe or have already subscribed to the Watchfid Club, our Club T&Cs apply.

1.3. These Sales T&Cs are the only terms and conditions that are applicable and replace all other terms and conditions, except in the case of express, written, prior dispensation. We maintain that, by confirming your order, you have read and do unreservedly accept our Sales T&Cs .

Article 2. Contract

2.1. By placing an order, you are declaring that you are 18 years of age or over.

2.2. When you submit an order, your order represents an offer to us to purchase the products. This does not mean that your order has been accepted.

2.3. All orders are subject to acceptance by us. If we accept your order we will confirm our acceptance by sending you an order confirmation by e-mail. The contract between us will only be formed when we send you the order confirmation. Any products forming part of the same order, which we have not confirmed in the order confirmation, do not form part of that contract.

2.4. We have the right to cancel or refuse to accept an order on, inter alia, the following grounds:

– in the event of a technical and/or typing error in the process or other details of products contained on the website when the order was placed,
– due to a lack of availability,
– when there are reasons to indicate that you are a minor,
– when there are reasons to indicate that the orders are for resale purposes,
– if we were unable to deliver the product(s) to the address provided.

2.5. If an order is cancelled or not accepted, we will inform you at the earliest opportunity. If we already have received payment for such order, we will refund the applicable amount.

2.6. All products will remain available for sale on our website until we have received full payment.

2.7. If a product should become unavailable after your order had been confirmed and paid for, we will refund the price you paid.

Article 3. Price and payment

3.1. All prices are in euros including VAT (where applicable) and excluding shipping costs. Shipping costs will be added to your order and depend on your destination country. The shipping costs will be added to total amount due and shown in the order summary page of our website before you place your order.

3.2. If an obviously incorrect price appears on our website and is not corrected on your total at the time of order completion, for whatever reason (human error, technical error etc.), your order will be cancelled and the payment refunded to you, even if it has been initially validated.

3.3. Unless we agree otherwise, we accept payments by the following methods:

– for watch sales: we only accept bank transfers;
– for any other product: you can shop online securely and conveniently using your debit or credit card.

3.4. We must receive full payment before we dispatch the products.

Article 4. Delivery

4.1. Your order will be delivered to the address you indicated when your order was placed. We do not deliver to PO Box addresses.

4.2. We do everything in our power to respect the delivery times agreed upon an/or indicated on the website. We cannot, however, be held responsible for the consequences of a late delivery or the loss of a package caused by a third-party contracted to make delivery, or by you (for example by supplying the wrong address), or because of some unforeseen event. In the event where you do not receive your package, an investigation will be conducted with the carrier and may take several days upon receipt of your claim. During this period of investigation, no reimbursement or re-delivery will take place.

4.3. The products will be your responsibility and the risk of damage rests fully on you as from the delivery (the moment you are or could be in possession of the products).

4.4. Ownership of the products will only pass to you when we receive full payment of all sums due in respect of the products, inducing shipping costs.

4.5. If you reject a delivery or if an order due to erroneous addressing cannot be delivered, you are responsible for any costs made.

Article 5. Customs

5.1. For deliveries outside Italy you may have to pay import duty, or other taxes, fees or charges applied by customs or other authorities in the country of receipt. These fees/taxes are your responsibility and must be paid by you. Unfortunately we have no control over these fees. We cannot tell you what the costs would be as custom policies, import duties and sale taxes vary widely form country to country.

5.2. Also, we will not refund any import duties and/or local sales taxes that your order may have incurred for returned items.

5.3. Some countries have import restrictions on certain products or materials. You must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the products. You are responsible for determining if there are any restrictions on the delivery of our products to your destination.

Article 7. Product information

7.1. We take great care when putting product information, descriptions and images online but will not be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions to any information given.

7.2. The images of the products on our website are for illustrative purposes only. Although we have made every effort to display the information and colours accurately, the colours on your screen can be different than the original product.

Article 8. Non-confirming products

8.1. We are under a legal duty to supply you with products that are in conformity with the contract.

8.2. You must inspect the products as soon as reasonably practicable after delivery and you must inform us promptly if the products are non-conforming. At our request you must provide us an opportunity to examine the alleged non-conforming product.

8.3. You must take reasonable care of the products and you must return any products that are not in conformity with the contract (including paperwork, user manual, service papers and box as applicable) promptly and within 14 days of notifying us of the relevant non-conforming products.

8.4. If the products are non-conforming you are entitled to ask us to replace or repair the products, though given the nature of the products that we sell we may not be able to source a suitable replacement. We are under no obligation to replace or repair the products where this is impossible or imposes costs on us that are unreasonable, taking into account, amongst other things, the value, which the products would have if they conformed to the contract and the significance of the lack of conformity, in which case your remedy will be limited to a refund.

8.5. If we were unable to repair or replace the products or this is impossible or imposes costs on us that are unreasonable, you are entitled to ask us to refund the products less: a) any deduction for loss of or damage to paperwork and b) any reasonable deduction for wear and tear through use.

8.6. You acknowledge that the paperwork (where supplied) substantially increases the value of the products and that is absence or damage will affect the value of the products. If you return the products with missing or damaged paperwork, we will make a reasonable deduction to the sum refunded to you not exceeding 25 percent of the purchase price.

8.7. We reserve our rights to reduce any remedies under clause 8.4 and 8.5 if paperwork is missing or damaged.

8.8. Return postage, packaging and insurance will be your responsibility. We recommend you use a tracked mail system and retain proof of postage. You must insure the products to their full value. You must ensure that you pack the products appropriately to prevent damage during transit.

8.9. If the products are non-conforming we will refund you reasonably incurred return postage costs provided you comply with our reasonable return instructions and you provide us with a copy receipt.

Article 9. Withdrawal of order and return policy

9.1. You have the right to cancel or return the products until 14 days after delivery without any need to give reasons. Your right of withdrawal starts from the moment your order is received by you or your nominated recipient. The right of withdrawal does not apply to custom made or personalized goods.

9.2. The easiest way to use the right of withdrawal is to return the product to us. If you are unable to return the products before the 14-day period has expired, you need to notify us of your intention to cancel, always within the 30-day (14 days for watches) period. To do so, simply e-mail or write to us at Watchfid, Via San Pietro all’Orto 22 – 20121 Milano, Italy, with a detailed description of the products you want to return and your order number.

9.3. You can return the products together with the delivery note to the following address: Watchfid, Via San Pietro all’Orto 22 – 20121 Milano, Italy.

9.4. In any case, you must take reasonable care of the products and have to return the products to us in their original condition within 30 days (14 days for watches) on the date on which you informed us that you want to want to cancel your order or if you have not notified us that you want to cancel your order, within 30 days (14 days for watches) of receipt of the products.

9.5. In case of withdrawal, you will receive a refund, which will include the shipping costs.

9.6. Return postage, packaging and insurance will be your responsibility and at your cost. We recommend you use a tracked mail system and retain proof of postage and we suggest you to insure the products to their full value. If we have to pay additional postage charges on your package, we may deduct the amount of such charges from any refund we send to you. Your parcel is your responsibility until it reaches us. We cannot accept liability for goods that get lost or damaged in transit back to us.

9.7. Any products returned must be in their original condition, including paperwork, user manual, service papers and box as applicable. If they are not, we may be unable to accept them or make a deduction from the refund for loss in value.

9.8. You acknowledge that the paperwork (where supplied) substantially increases the value of the products. If you return the products with missing or damaged paperwork, we will make a reasonable deduction to the sum refunded to you not exceeding 25 percent of the purchase price.

9.9. Provided that you comply with the terms of this article you will be refunded in full within 14 days of the date we receive the returned products or from when we receive proof that you have sent the goods back to us, whichever is the earliest.

9.10. We will refund the applicable amount via the same payment method used in the purchase, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise.

Article 10. General indemnity

10.1. You agree to be fully responsible for and indemnify us fully from and against all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses suffered by us and arising out of any breach of these terms of conditions by you or any other liability arising out of your use of our website or the use of another person accessing the website using your computer or account number and/or password.

Article 11. Our liability

11.1. We only supply the products for domestic and private use. You agree not to use the products for any commercial, business or re-sale purposes, and we shall under no circumstances whatever be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

11.2. We shall not be held responsible and disclaim all liability for any loss, damage (whether direct, indirect or consequential), personal injury or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered by you or any third party, caused by using our products and/or caused by your access and use of the website or caused by a failure by us to comply with these terms and conditions, unless such loss and/or damages ensues from intentional acts or omissions or gross negligence on the part of us.

11.3. If the above-mentioned limitations of liability do not apply to you, our liability shall be limited to the amount charged to you for the products.

Article 12. Events outside of our control

12.1. We will not be responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these terms and conditions that is caused by events outside our control. This does not affect your legal rights.

12.2. An event outside our control means any act or event beyond our reasonable control including acts of God, collapse of buildings, fire, flood, severe weather, explosion, accident, war, act of terrorism, industrial dispute (not involving our employees), acts of local or central government or other competent authorities, interruption or failure of utility services, interruption or failure of our website or IT system caused by third parties, or delays or non-performance caused by third parties including manufacturers and delivery companies.

Article 13. Fraudulent payments

13.1. If we reasonably suspect a fraudulent payment, then we will not dispatch any products and we will not carry out any refunds until authorized by our bank.

Article 14. Privacy

14.1. We only use your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Please take the time to read and understand our privacy policy as it includes important terms, which apply to you.

Article 15. Waiver

15.1. If we fail, at any time during the term of a contract, to insist upon strict performance of any of your obligations under the contract or any of these terms and conditions and, or if we fail to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which we are entitled under the contract, this will not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and will not relieve you from compliance with such obligations.

15.2. No waiver by us of any of these terms and conditions will be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and is communicated to you in writing.

Article 16. Severability

16.1. If any court or competent authority decides that any of the provisions or paragraphs of these terms and conditions or any provisions of a contract are invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, the term will, to that extent only, be severed from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Article 17. Applicable law and jurisdiction

17.1. On all rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these terms & conditions apply, as well as these terms & conditions, only Italian law applies.

17.2. All disputes between parties will only be submitted to the competent court in Milan, Italy, unless a mandatory provision provides otherwise.


The Watches Terms and Conditions detailed below (“Watches T&Cs“) govern the purchase of watches by the “Buyer” (hereafter also referred to as “You”) and “Watchfid” (hereafter also referred to as “We”), a trade name belonging to the company Watchfid Srl governed by Italian law, Italian Chamber of Commerce company number 2581759, VAT number IT11135380969, and located in Via San Pietro all’Orto 22 – 20121 Milano (Italy).

Article 1. Documentation

1.1. All the watches are provided with a digital certificate (the Watchfid-ID), that will be uploaded on the Buyer’s protected and anonymous digital wallet, and a Watchfid Certification Report, which purpose is to determine whether the constituent parts of the watch are conform to the model reference /period or not, and to value their condition and importance.

1.2. If a watch is provided with an appraisal report (the FOR YOUR WATCH ONLY book), this book substitutes the Watchfid Certification Report. The availability of the FOR YOUR WATCH ONLY book is indicated on the individual presentation page of the watch; please check the information. On request and when available, an extract of the archives from the manufacturer can be obtained.

1.3. Upon request, we may provide a potential buyer with a temporary access to all the information, documentation and pictures available for the watch. But neither the Watchfid Certification Report, the Watchfid-ID, nor the FOR YOUR WATCH ONLY book will be sent before the purchase has been finalized and the payment received.

Article 2. Paperwork

2.1. If the products are sold with paperwork, the age of the product is calculated from the date given on the paperwork.

2.2. If the products are sold without paperwork, it can be difficult for us to calculate the age of the products, especially for vintage products. While we calculate the age in good faith, you acknowledge that the age of the products is an estimate only. We make no representation or warranty in relation to the accuracy of the age of the products.

Article 3. Payment

3.1. We accept payments via wire transfer only.

3.2. Items are sent after receipt of funds.

Article 4. Shipping

4.1. The delivery of our watches is of utmost importance. We offer the Buyers a 100% secure delivery wherever they are located. We personally take care of the packaging of the timepieces. We monitor every single aspect of the shipping process of the watch, until it safely arrives at the Buyer’s doorstep.

4.2. The shipping is insured 100% on the value of the watch, which corresponds to the value declared on the commercial invoice always provided with the watch.

4.3. All prices listed or communicated in response to a price inquiry do not include insurance and worldwide shipment, that will be quoted separately depending on the destination. Please consult our Shipping Policy for more information.

4.4. Buyers are solely responsible for shipping charges, taxes, and duties, once goods arrive in their country.

Article 5. Customs

5.1. For deliveries outside Italy the Buyer may have to pay import duty, or other taxes, fees or charges applied by customs or other authorities in the country of receipt. These fees/taxes are its responsibility and must be paid by him. Unfortunately we have no control over these fees. We cannot tell what the costs would be as custom policies, import duties and sale taxes vary widely form country to country.

5.2. Also, we will not refund any import duties and/or local sales taxes that an order may have incurred for returned items.

5.3. Some countries have import restrictions on certain products or materials. The Buyer must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which he is receiving the products. The Buyer is responsible for determining if there are any restrictions on the delivery of our products to his destination.

Article 6. Warranties

6.1. Watchfid warrants that all watches are known to be working before shipment.

6.2. We offer a one-year warranty on the mechanical function of the watch, starting from the day of purchase.

6.3. Buyers should be aware that none of the watches we sell is waterproof. Also some of the watches might indicate water resistance on the dial, but none of the watches we sell are tested or guaranteed for water resistance. We do not guarantee the waterproof nature of any watch, unless expressly made in writing. Therefore, our warranty will not cover any damage done to the case and/or movement by water or moisture entering the watch.

6.4. Our warranty does not apply to accidental damage or mishandling of any watch and does not extend to the bracelet, case parts (including pushers, winding stem, crown and bezel), watch glass, dial and hands.


Welcome to the Watchfid Club (the “Watchfid Club” or the “Platform”).

This section outlines the Watchfid Club Terms and Conditions (“Club T&Cs“) that govern the relationship between Watchfid (“we”, “us”, “our”) and you (individually referred to as a “User” or “Member” and collectively referred to as “Users ” or “Members”). Together, Watchfid and you are referred to as the “Parties”. Before using the Platform, please read this Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy carefully and confirm your acceptance during the registration process. If you don’t agree with these terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, you are not permitted to use our services. We reserve the right to revise these Club T&Cs at any time, with changes effective from June 1,2024. Changes will take effect upon posting, and your continued use of the Platform signifies your acceptance of any updated Club T&Cs. As a User, it is your responsibility to review these Club T&Cs regularly.

Article 1. Membership payment

1.1. Your Watchfid membership will continue until terminated. To use Watchfid you must have internet access and you should provide us with a credit card payment method so that you must register to become a member. Membership fees and all other payments will be paid by the users exclusively through credit card.

1.2. Unless you cancel your membership before your billing date, you authorize us to charge the membership fee for the next billing cycle to your payment methods, as per this clause.

Article 2. Membership plans

2.2. We may offer a number of membership plans. Our cost membership plans are set out in article 3., stating that Users can choose to upgrade their membership at any point in time. We will bill the prorated amount for the remainder of the cycle, and it will be charged to the User’s credit card on file.

2.3. The User can downgrade his plan by submitting a request: Watchfid will review and approve the downgrade request. The downgrade can be of one level below his current plan, from Collector to Connoisseur, but it is not possible to downgrade the plan from Connoisseur to Explorer.

Article 3. Membership costs and services

3.1. Explorer

(i) Cost: free.

(ii) Benefits:

– Explorer members receive the Watchfid newsletter on their email box.
– Explorer members have the possibility to create their own wishlist where they can save the products they prefer (watches and/or all the products available in the Shop); those items are then available each time they sign in, on any device.
– Explorer members have access to the Watch Submission Form, which is necessary to submit a watch they would like to sell on the Watchfid platform.

3.2. Connoisseur

(i) Cost: Monthly membership fee € 10 (ten) incl. VAT; Annual membership fee: € 120 (one hundred and twenty) incl. VAT. Membership fees are charged the first day of the month.

(ii) Benefits:

– Full Explorer benefits.
– Free shipping on Books and Watch Accessories of the Shop.
– 5% discounts on all the products of the Shop (Books, Collectables, Watch Accessories, and Art Gallery).

3.3. Collector

(i) Cost: Monthly membership fee: € 100 (one hundred) incl. VAT, Annual membership fee: € 1’000 (one thousand) incl. VAT. Membership fees are charged the first day of the month.

(ii) Benefits:

– Full Connoisseur benefits.
– Free shipping on Collectables of the Shop and on Watches.
– 10% discounts on all the products of the Shop (Books, Collectables, Watch Accessories, and Art Gallery).

Article 4. Registration

4.1. You must be 18 years of age or over to acquire the status of member of the Watchfid community. To use the services under this section or any part of it, Users must register in a truthful, complete, and correct manner filling all the required data in the relevant registration form. The Users must also accept the Watchfid privacy policy.

4.2. Users are responsible for keeping their login credentials strictly confidential.

4.3. It remains understood that Watchfid shall not be deemed liable under any circumstances in case of loss, disclosure, theft or unauthorized use by third parties, for whatever reason, of the Users’ access credential.

4.4. Once you have registered you should not permit any third party to use or access your account on your behalf or otherwise. You will be liable for all bids made via your account. After their first purchase, Users will be requested to complete the identity verification process.

Article 5. Suspension of membership

5.1. In case a User does not fulfill the outstanding payments, he/she needs to update the payment method within 1 (one) week. If he/she fails to update the payment information, Watchfid has the right to suspend the account.

Article 6.  Cancellation

6.1. You can cancel your Watchfid membership at any time, and you will continue to have access to the Platform until your billing period ends. Membership fees are non-refundable, and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial membership periods.

6.2. If You wish to cancel, please go to your “Account” page, and follow the instructions herein for cancellation. If you cancel your membership, your account will be automatically closed at the end of your current billing period. To see when your account will close, click “Billing details” on your “Account” page.


We offer fast and secure worldwide shipping.

Depending on your country we work with various shipping partners, to make sure you get the best experience possible.

1. Books & Accessories

CountryShipping Rate (incl. VAT)
Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, MonacoEUR 19
Rest of EuropeEUR 21
AustraliaEUR 29
CanadaEUR 29
Hong KongEUR 29
JapanEUR 29
ThailandEUR 29
SingaporeEUR 29
Rest of the WorldVaries per country

2. Artworks & Prints

Please note that all the prints and artworks are shipped flat (not framed).

2.1. Original Artworks

Shipping costs vary depending on the final destination and the value of the watch because of the impact of the insurance premium. Please contact us to obtain shipping information and costs specific to your order.

2.2. Prints

The shipping is always full insured.

CountryShipping Rate (incl. VAT) 
Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, MonacoEUR 49
Rest of EuropeEUR 51
AustraliaEUR 59
CanadaEUR 59
Hong KongEUR 59
JapanEUR 59
ThailandEUR 59
SingaporeEUR 59
Rest of the WorldVaries per country

3. Watches & Collectables

3,1. Watches

Domestic and international orders are shipped using Ferrari Group, who may sub delegate to DHL or Fedex depending on the destination country and the value of the watch or the product.

The shipping is always full insured.

Shipping costs vary depending on the final destination and the value of the watch because of the impact of the insurance premium. Please contact us to obtain shipping information and costs specific to your order.

3.2. Collectables

3.2.a. Collectables < 2.000 €

The shipping is always full insured.

CountryShipping Rate (incl. VAT) 
Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, MonacoEUR 49
Rest of EuropeEUR 51
AustraliaEUR 59
CanadaEUR 59
Hong KongEUR 59
JapanEUR 59
ThailandEUR 59
SingaporeEUR 59
Rest of the WorldVaries per country

3.2.b. Collectables > 2.000 €

The shipping is always full insured.

Shipping costs vary depending on the final destination and the value of the object because of the impact of the insurance premium. Please contact us to obtain shipping information and costs specific to your order.